SCP Secure File Copy Key Authentication with PSCP

The following command line examples illustrate how to use Secure File Copy (SCP) to copy file(s) between a FreeBSD server and a Windows workstation.
The commands are run on the Windows system using PuTTY's secure file copy program: pscp.exe and a PuTTY compatible key for client authentication.
The PuTTY compatible private key was created by following instructions in the following article: SSH Secure Shell Key Authentication with PuTTY

Get/Pull/Download File(s): C:\putty\pscp -r -i C:\putty\private_key.ppk -pw private_key_passphrase This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..0.1:/root/freebsd-snapshot.tar F:\FreeBSD\
Copy the file /root/freebsd-snapshot.tar to F:\FreeBSD\

Put/Push/Upload File(s): C:\putty\pscp -r -i C:\putty\private_key.ppk -pw private_key_passphrase F:\FreeBSD\freebsd-snapshot.tar This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..0.1:/root/
Copy the file F:\FreeBSD\freebsd-snapshot.tar to /root/

PSCP will display status of the copy in progress

freebsd-snapshot.tar      | 5905732 kB | 36231.5 kB/s | ETA: 00:00:00 | 100%